Prumihimo Projects by Pru McRae - Blogs - Riverside Beads
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Prumihimo Projects by Pru McRae

Over the years Pru McRae has developed her own special version of the Japanese braiding technique Kumihimo, simply called Prumihimo. Pru create the patented Prumihimo Disk after years of experimentation and after much trial and error she came up with her unique design and put it into production. The system of slots, dots and numbers is completely her own invention and is fully protected by design patents and design protection, so you can’t find anything similar anywhere else. Her books are so interesting and insightful and you’ll want to get both the kit and the book to get a comprehensive understanding of all the amazing projects available. Click here for the book. What you might not find in the book is secret info we’ve got for you, hot off the press from Pru McRae herself!

“There are 4 main techniques for adding beads to a Prumihimo braid, single beading, double beading, triple beading and quadruple beading. Before attempting any of these designs make sure you have learnt the braid structure and practised it thoroughly. There is plenty of cord in the (Riverside) kit for practise. If your first few braids are a bit twisted you can straighten them by following the instructions on Page 73. The satin cords are used to give structure to the design and the beads are either threaded onto tiger tail or the grey 0.5mm knotting cord. To make threading easier, stiffen the end of the knotting cord with either clear nail varnish or superglue.”

Here are some other hints and tips from Pru relating to two of the projects in her book:

Teal Pearl Necklace

Follow the basic set-up on page 21. Use 1m lengths of the 1mm satin cord, but to make a thicker braid the cords have been used double in the top and bottom slots at numbers 1 and 2. Single lengths of 1mm cord are used in the top and bottom slots at number 4. Use 1.25m lengths of the 0.5mm cord to carry the beads in the top and bottom slots at number 3. Thread 28 dark pearls on the top cord at 3 and 28 pale pearls on the bottom cord at 3. Add in a pearl just from the top cord at 3 for 3 sequences. Work 2 sequences without beads. Continue with this pattern. Add the focal beads using the instructions on page 72.

Multi-Strand Bracelet

Follow the instructions on page 63. In the example the grey 0.5mm cord was used for all 8 cords, but 1mm satin cord could also be used for a more colourful bracelet.

Once you have your copy of Pru’s book why not click here to find out more clever tricks to improve your Prumihimo technique.

Piptastic Prumihimo

We also have our fabulous Piptastic Prumihimo necklace projects available. To see them click here

Piptastic Prumihimo Necklace Candy-riverside beadsPiptastic Prumihimo Necklace Peppermint-riverside beads

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